Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Start Living

      Happy Wednesday! I've got four finals down, one to go! Unfortunately, it's math, which is one of my worst subjects. And since it's the last day and I'm so close to summer, my brain is completely fried and I don't have the energy to study for/care about finals. Even though I am looking forward to the end of school, I'm not exactly looking forward to the start of summer, because summer means summer job. I don't have a bad summer job, but I do really regret not having a summer because I work pretty much every day for the whole twelve weeks of summer (yep, on my first day of summer I'll be up at 6 am to go to work). Everyone else gets to go to the pool or go on vacation and hang out with their friends and do the typical fun summer stuff, but I don't really get to do that, so it's a bummer.
      I know I'm being a bit of a snobby brat about it, because plenty of kids really need a job and mine really isn't that bad, but I watched a video today that made me think about how I live:
"You don't have to find out you're dying to start living."
Can you honestly say that you live as if you'll die tomorrow? I know I can't; I've spent the past week in the same hunched-over position studying for finals. I know it's not reasonable for an average healthy person to live as if today is their last day, but I seriously think I could do a lot better at not taking tomorrow for granted. There's so much that I want to do that I'm lucky enough to have the time for (aka I'm not terminally ill) but I always have an excuse to not do things. For example, I really want to travel. But I need to save my money for college. I really want to get fit and become more active. But Friends is on TV. I really want to quit my summer job and actually enjoy the precious three months I have away from school. But, once again, I need the money for college. 
      The fact of the matter is that I need to start living my own life, not living on the terms of someone else. However, it's really hard to judge whether you should do something because you want to, even though it may not be the "smart choice." Like quitting my job would be great, but I actually really do need that money. So do I do what I want, or what's "right"? I should probably try to find a balance of the two: keep the job, but set aside some money from every paycheck to spend on something I want. Sounds like a good plan! I'll try to do more things my way in the near future :)

Carpe Diem,

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