Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Can I Just Rant?

      Happy Wednesday! My week so far has been less than perfect. My job as a camp assistant has been super stressful, I've barely studied for the ACT which is on Saturday, and I just learned that my family can't go on a vacation this year because my mom can't get time off. For the class I'm assisting this week, it's a drama class and the kids are doing a play for their parents on Friday. The teacher is making me participate in the play, which means I have to memorize nineteen lines. Um, I have to study for the ACT. I don't have time to memorize lines. I shouldn't even have to have homework for my job! When I'm home, I need to be studying for the ACT, preparing for college visits, or doing whatever else I want to. Not doing extra work for a stupid play. If I don't do well on this ACT I'm going to be in so much trouble because I've had "so much time" to study.
      All of my friends are doing really fun stuff this summer -- some are even going to Europe. Once again, though, I will be working all summer. Shouldn't my mom have looked into vacation time earlier so we could have gone somewhere as a family? Not Europe by any means, just somewhere in the good ol' Midwest. But we can't even do that. I thought I was going to get two weeks off work because I'm doing two college visits in a couple weeks, then one in July. The summer program supervisor told me after work today that I would still be working the other days of those weeks though, so I'm worried I'm going to be working every single week all summer. Twelve whole weeks at my job will actually kill me. It's only been a week and a half, and I already can't do it anymore. I'm just so done.
      So thanks for letting me rant, I really needed to get that off my chest. :)

Carpe Diem,

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