Tuesday, April 30, 2013


      Happy Tuesday! I pretty much just got a four-day weekend because today was Academic Excellence Day at school, when we have our annual awards assembly and the seniors give their Capstone presentations, which is a major project they work on for most of the second semester over any topic they choose. Unfortunately, I didn't win any awards but seeing people win awards definitely helped to motivate me to try harder so that maybe next year I could win an award! Not that I don't already try very hard in school, but I definitely got an extra kick to step it up a notch. The presentations were also very enjoyable; the ones I went to were about psychopaths, serial killers, body language, how men and women communicate, occupational therapy, and developmental delays (those last two were my favorite!).
      Although I loved having a four-day weekend, I missed a day of review for my Latin test which is tomorrow and I'm really hoping it all just comes to me tomorrow, because after several hours of slaving over the translations, I have no idea how to translate most of the sentences. Also, math? No clue how to do anything, and we have a quiz tomorrow. Wish me luck, I need it!

Carpe Diem,

Monday, April 29, 2013

Rock Chalk Jayhawk

      Happy Monday! Today was so fun; I went to the Junior Day at the University of Kansas! I absolutely loved it, but I have a big problem: I love Washburn University, Kansas State University, and the University of Kansas. A lot. I don't know how I'll be able to choose which one I'll go to. I guess it's also a good thing that I'm only a junior and I already know that I'll probably be going to one of those three schools, which is very exciting! I plan on applying to all three over the summer, which is super early but I don't see any harm in applying. I meet all of the basic requirements for the ACT, SAT, and my GPA, so the only question now is scholarships. I hope I can kick up those test scores and my GPA so that money won't be as much of an issue! I made a pros/cons list of each school right after the visit:

1. Washburn University
  • Great scholarship opportunities
  • Beautiful campus
  • Really cool new recreation center
  • Nice dorms
  • Great Greek life
  • Living and learning center
  • Awesome study abroad program
  • It's in Topeka, KS (not exactly the ideal college town)
  • Missing out on the broad network
  • No special education program :(
2. Kansas State University
  • Beautiful campus
  • Great Greek life
  • Affordable tuition
  • Good distance from home
  • Manhattan rocks
  • Too big?
  • My family hates K-State (yes, this is a legitimate con)
3. University of Kansas
  • Beautiful campus
  •  One of the best Special Education programs in the nation
  • Study abroad 
  • KU Basketball (major pro)
  • I've always been a KU fan
  • Lawrence is the best college town
  • Great Honors program (but it's super competitive and I probably can't get in)
  • Scholarship halls
  • Huge classes
  • Huge campus
  • Greek life probably wouldn't work for me at KU
Do you have any advice for helping me pick? I know I have a super long time before I need to make this decision, but I want to know where I want to go to college ASAP! Have a great rest of your week!

Carpe Diem,

Sunday, April 28, 2013


      Happy Sunday! Today was spent at the APUSH review session, babysitting, and watching TV. Friends quickly became one of my favorite shows (certainly my favorite sitcom...sorry, HIMYM), and it was on TV this morning. Except that the two episodes scheduled to play weren't just any two episodes...they were the last two episodes of the entire series. You might think I'm crazy, but I had to ask myself if I was emotionally ready to watch the last two episodes ever. I decided that I would have to watch them eventually, and I'm glad I did. I laughed a lot, but mostly I cried. It was the perfect ending to the perfect show, except that I didn't want it to end. You're probably thinking: why does she care so much about some TV show? I also asked myself this question. I think it's because it's so easy to relate to Friends, even though I don't live in NYC with cool friends. I really feel like I'm friends with Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Joey, Monica, and Phoebe. If you still think I'm weird, watch a few episodes of the show and tell me you don't feel the same way. Obviously, other episodes of Friends will still be on every day, but it's still sad to know that it ended. I heard a rumor that there was going to be a Friends 10th reunion episode next Thanksgiving, but my mom said it wasn't true :(

Carpe Diem,

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Another Exciting Saturday (Not Really)

      Happy Saturday! Today was pretty uneventful; I watched Out of Africa (Robert Redford was so attractive) and Clueless (one of my favorite movies from my birth year), then I went to work on the play which is pretty annoying since all I'm doing is box office and I had to take three hours of my day to work on it when people who are actually in the play didn't even show up, then I babysat which was good because I needed to make some money. Tomorrow I have to go to the AP US History review then babysit for a different family. I just want to stay home and eat ice cream, is that really too much to ask?

Carpe Diem,

Friday, April 26, 2013


      Happy Friday! So today, for the first time ever, I got a 0% on a quiz in Latin. ZERO PERCENT. It was a twenty-point quiz over the chapters in the book we're reading, I obviously didn't read, and I got a zero on it. Definitely the low point of my week. Not gonna lie, I'm seriously not liking my Latin class at the moment, but I never thought I would care less enough to just get a zero! I can't even begin to imagine what that one zero is going to do to my grade. I wouldn't be so worried if I'd been getting A's on all of the other tests/quizzes but that's just not the case, my friends. We have a quiz pretty much every day in Latin (one of the many reasons I'm hating it) so it's really hard for me to find the motivation to study for them every single day. Therefore, my grade is probably really low in that class, which sucks because I'm supposed to finish my junior year strong.
      I'm also really struggling in math right now because I have absolutely no clue about anything we're learning. Nada, zip, zero, zilch. I have a quiz next week and I'm probably gonna get a zero on that too because I couldn't answer a single question about parabolas or ellipses. And I used to think I was relatively smart. HA. I have no clue what my grade is in physics, but since it's pretty much just a general rule that I'm awful in every science class I've ever had, it can't be too good.
      Even history and English, my two most solid classes, have me worried! We have this really big project called the Oral History Project where we have to interview people and compare their experiences to what history textbooks say about those time periods. Quite interesting, but for each progressive step we have to turn a certain thing in, and so far I'm not doing too well.
      I used to be such a good student! Why am I so lazy and unmotivated? And why did I have to lose all my motivation right when I need it the most? I'm so stressed right now; my back is killing me from my heavy backpack, it's not even 10:30 and I'm already exhausted, I feel like I'm always in a terrible mood, and all I can think about is how I need to read 100 pages, write a practice AP English essay, study for the AP US History exam, work on my OHP, study for my Latin quiz, study for my math quiz, and study for my English quiz. Plus a bunch of other things I'm probably forgetting. How is this supposed to be good for me, worrying all the time? I can't remember the last time I wasn't feeling stressed. I'm so done with school; I can't go on with this for another month. I'M JUST REALLY STRESSED, GUYS.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Success! (Finally)

      Happy Thursday! Today didn't start off so great; I lost the ten dollars that my mom gave me to buy candy to hand out to help me influence people to vote for me for president of community service club, then on the way from the grocery store to school I accidentally cut someone off and they honked at me for a really long time, which made me cry (I'm very sensitive...). Then I had to spend the whole morning trying to convince people to take the time to vote for me, which was pretty weird. I was up against three of the most popular girls in the whole school, and even though there are four leadership positions, I was sure that I wouldn't be elected.
      There were a total of ten people running, and I never win anything (ever) so I didn't get my hopes up. During my free period, however, I got an email saying that I had been selected as one of the leaders and two of those popular girls didn't even make it. It was pretty much the best thing ever. Next I had to email the faculty sponsor saying why I should be the president of the club (also super weird) as opposed to VP, secretary, or treasurer. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow! Not gonna lie, I'm going to be super disappointed if I'm not the president because I feel super lucky right now for some reason. I never win anything, but not today! Little ol' Brooke finally gets her time to shine!

Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Favorite Things to Do

      Happy Wednesday! Today was pretty good; my school's lacrosse team beat one of our rivals 8-4! Also, I haven't had very much homework so far this week! I'm pretty tired so I'm going to cut to the chase: here are my favorite things to do!

1. Read books

Nothing better than a good book
2. Bake

Baking, of course, leads to eating!
3. Make lists

Something I'm doing right now! :)
4. Primp

I love getting all dolled up for dances!

5. Watch KU Basketball

My all-time favorite moment in KU Basketball history
Carpe Diem,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Feeling Philosophical

      Happy Tuesday! I've officially been 18 for one week! Today seemed to be centered around thoughts and philosophy for some reason. This morning in Latin my friend gave a presentation on Stoicism, which is an ancient philosophy with the ideas that one should only live with the bare minimum (food, water, and air) to be happy. It preaches that humans can be happy in any conditions because they have control over their attitude, therefore nothing can make us unhappy without our consent.  Also, humans should try to be virtuous and avoid vices. I make it sound pretty simple, but the details of Stoicism are actually very complex and I don't understand most of it!
      Some people in my class argued that if something truly terrible happened to someone, they won't be able to control their emotions (hence, being "stoic") therefore Stoicism is unreasonable and illogical. There's definitely a part of me that agrees with this idea; if one of my parent's died or I became paralyzed or something like that, I'm not just going to change my attitude about it  and try to look on the bright side, I'm going to ask why it happened to me, and I'll probably feel wronged and bitter.
      Then someone mentioned 9/11 and the recent Boston Marathon bombing and I had a new idea: if my mom was in the World Trade Center on 9/11 or if I lost my legs because of a bomb during the Boston Marathon, I think I would ultimately try my best to (loosely) forgive Al Qaeda or the Russian brothers responsible, not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because I deserve tranquility, which cannot possibly be achieved if I hold resentment toward those responsible. I think this idea can be applied to most bad things that happen in our lives, especially the big things.
      Sometimes the hardest parts of life are when you are responsible for the bad things that happen to you. If only you had tried harder in school, if only you hadn't made that decision, etc... In those situations, I think you have to do your best to (yet again) give yourself peace of mind by forgiving yourself because everyone makes mistakes. Failing is a part of life, and even though it's not enjoyable, it is inevitable and it's better to accept that than to question why it is so. Whew, glad I got that rant off my chest!

Carpe Diem,

Monday, April 22, 2013


      Happy Monday! Have you ever had a friend who seems to be going down the wrong road, and all you can do is stare helplessly? That pretty much sums up how I feel right now. One of my best friends whom I've known since Kindergarten is in a bad place right now. She's been through so much, such as her father's death, and she's dealt with it in the worst ways possible. She's one of the kindest and overall best people I know, but she's a completely different person than the girl that I know and love as a sister. She's involved in things now that I never thought she'd do, and I've tried everything I can to help her.
      One might think that I'm intruding, that I'm meddling in her business where her family should be taking over. This thought has haunted me for the past three years, because I don't want her family to assume that I think I always know what's best for her. However, she has completely detached herself from her family. She's moved out and refuses to speak to her mother. Her mother has stopped trying to reach out to my friend. My dad's dad died when he was only 16, and reacted the same way that my friend did. This is my last effort: my dad has convinced her to listen to his story. I really think that she'll see that if she continues on this road, she'll end up in a horrible situation. If this doesn't work, then I'm afraid that there's nothing left that I'll be able to do, and it's killing me. I'm her best friend, and I feel partially responsible for her, so I'm going to do everything in my power to get her back on the right track, but it's so hard because she's so uncooperative. I know that her dad would want me to help her as much as possible, but I'm scared that she'll get sick of me trying to help her, and she'll detach herself from me as well. Please send your thoughts to her, because she needs all the help she can get. I hope my dad can help her. I'm just so helpless right now, and I hate it.

Carpe Diem,

Sunday, April 21, 2013


      Happy Sunday! Around 7:30 this morning, my choir returned to KC. I was both miserable and ecstatic while on the trip to Chicago and back. On Thursday night, we left around 10 pm and had to spend the night on the bus. This was the miserable part. It was impossible to sleep at all. The chairs were so uncomfortable and I didn't get a single minute of sleep. We stopped at Denny's for breakfast where we had to change in this tiny little bathroom and brush our teeth. After another two hours, we finally arrived in Downtown, Chicago where we did some shopping on Michigan Avenue. We were in a bit of a hurry, I didn't buy anything, and it was snowing. Still not so fun.
      Two hour drive to the hotel, an hour-long wait for our room, quickly got ready for dinner, two hour drive to the restaurant, ate dinner, then saw American Idiot. It was Green Day songs with kind of a story line but not really. It was cool, I like it. Two hour drive back to the hotel, and I finally got to sleep. It was beautiful. We woke up early the next morning, had breakfast, then drove to the high school for our competition. We thought we sang well, but the judge critiqued us pretty harshly. After all the schools finished singing, we went to a mall where I did some shopping. The mall was amazing, it was so huge! After an hour-long drive, we arrived at Medieval Times. It's like Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede, but the Renaissance version. We ate dinner and watched the show there, and it was also where the awards ceremony happened.
      After the show, everyone in my choir (around 70 kids) held hands because we wanted to go to New York City so badly. There are three categories, and we won gold for all of them! We were screaming so loud that I thought I would tear my vocal cords! Then, we were told that we got invited to sing in Carnegie Hall in NEW YORK CITY!! We all screamed and cried and I had never been so happy in my life. We really didn't think we'd done that well, but we won! See you next April, NYC!

The most delicious Chicago deep-dish pizza ever!

Pretty columns

The Bean!!

Millennium Park

Under the Bean!

Me in the Bean!

The Bean!

Downtown Chicago

In front of the Chicago Art Institute

The Cadillac Theatre, where we saw American Idiot

My friend and me at Medieval Times!

The Green Knight won!!
      Last night's bus ride back to KC was also pretty rough (still no sleep) but I did sleep for quite a while when I got home. Overall, the trip was so fun and I'm so glad I went! Now I have to do my homework... :(

Carpe Diem,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Choir Trip to Chicago!

      Happy Thursday! In a few hours I'll be on a bus to Chicago with my choir at school! It's going to be a long bus ride -- anywhere from 8-11 hours! I'm super excited, but at the same time I'm trying to not get my hopes up too much. Most of the people in my choir are just really annoying and obnoxious people, and it seems that almost all of the most obnoxious ones are on my bus. It's going to be a long night. I hope I can just plug in my headphones and get a good night's sleep (haha what a joke). I'll probably get a horrible headache from the combination of movies and music playing mixed with everyone being loud. Lucky me.
      However, on a more positive note: I can't wait to go shopping. None of my classmates can take away the joy I get in browsing a store that I like. Hopefully I don't spend too much! Seriously though, I have a serious shopping problem. To quote that girl from Confessions of a Shopaholic, when I shop the world gets better. When I make a purchase that I really love, I feel my worries temporarily melt away. Maybe I'll make a haul and post pictures of what I bought! Crossing my fingers!

Wish me and my choir luck in our competition!

Carpe Diem,

P.S. Since I'm not bringing my laptop, I'm afraid I won't be able to post until Sunday :(

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Feeling Grateful

      Happy Wednesday! Last night, right after I finished writing yesterday's blog post, I blew out the candles on my delicious ice cream cake, then my parents surprised me with two presents! They really were a surprise, since we agreed that the choir trip to Chicago this weekend would be my only present. The first one contained something I'd never heard of: a Birch Box. It's this monthly subscription to getting samples of the newest beauty products in this adorable little box! It's so cool! In the box from last night I got a Madewell emory board, a  benefit lip/cheek stain, a Juicy Couture perfume sample (it smells so good), Skin & Co. Sicilian shower gel, and Whish blueberry shaving cream! I can't wait to try everything!
      But the second present was beyond anything I could have hoped for. As you may know from my St. Patrick's Day post, my family is partly Irish. Well, when I opened the second present last night, this is what I got:

      I AM IN LOVE. I've wanted a Claddagh ring for so long! The Claddagh ring is typically given to Irish women, and the hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty, and the heart represents love. Also, there are tiny diamonds on the heart and the diamond is my birthstone! It's perfect. This ring will be my "graduation ring," because my mom said that it's weird for people to wear their high school rings after high school, so you spend a ton of money on a ring that you probably wear for only one year. I'll wear this ring forever!
      Today after school my mom took me to Jared's to get it sized (it was a little big) and luckily they were able to get it done in an hour! Usually those kind of things take a few weeks. So I get to wear it to school tomorrow! I'm so excited! Except it's really hard to get the ring over my knuckle...hopefully that doesn't become a problem. Anyway, I just feel like the luckiest girl in the world because I usually don't get very many gifts but I really lucked out this year with several very nice gifts!

Carpe Diem,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


      Happy Birthday to me! Today is my eighteenth birthday, which means that I'm officially a legal adult! My birthday present is that I get to go to Chicago with my choir to compete! We'll also be seeing Green Day's American Idiot, going to Medieval Times, and doing plenty of shopping. We leave on Thursday night, and I'm super excited.
      Today at school was a bit disappointing. I hate to be such a birthday snob, but only two of my friends at school remembered it was my birthday, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have remembered if I hadn't reminded them yesterday. So that was a bummer. It wouldn't have bothered me so much, except that whenever it's one of my friend's birthdays, I make it a big deal and I'm usually pretty good at making them feel special, and I guess I just expected that in return. Oh, well.
      This evening was better, though. My brother paid for a drink at the local coffee shop after school, which was super sweet of him since he normally pretends he doesn't have an older sister. I came home, watched Friends, then we went out to dinner at Red Lobster, where I got the butterflied shrimp and the coconut shrimp! It was so delicious, especially since I'd been craving it for so long. There's also enough left-overs for me to have the same dinner tomorrow night!
       Now we're waiting for my ice cream cake from Dairy Queen to thaw. I get it every year; it has vanilla ice cream, crumbled chocolate stuff that I've never been able to identify, and chocolate fudge. I am beyond excited for it.
      Here's to hoping that my eighteenth year will be my best year yet!

Carpe Diem,

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Tragic Day

     Today was not a very happy Monday. Unfortunately, during the Boston Marathon, three bombs exploded, killing two people, and injuring 86. I am completely disgusted by the fact that America has had so many similar incidents in the past year. How can people be so sick that they want to kill people, let alone a little 8-year-old girl? I can't understand it. These people had just finished running a marathon, they were in a jubilant atmosphere, when suddenly bombs just explode right in front of them.
      It did make me feel a little better to learn that some marathon runners, after they finished the race, continued running to the hospital so they could donate blood. Also, the firefighters, the police, the medics, and even the bystanders, who rushed to help as much as they could, behaved admirably today. Even though there are plenty of sick people out there who want to hurt innocent people, there are also people who sacrifice their safety in times of tragedy, and they are the heroes. I try to focus on my admiration for them rather than my disgust for murderers.

Carpe Diem,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Time to Get Motivated: Schoolwork

      Happy Sunday! I'm so excited for this week; my birthday is on Tuesday and the choir trip to Chicago is from Thursday night to Sunday morning! I hope it's as fun as I want it to be! Prom last night was so much fun. We took pictures at the liberty memorial where we were lucky enough to have beautiful weather and a beautiful view of Downtown Kansas City. We went to the Uptown Theater where our prom was held, and the decorations looked amazing. It was so fun to see everyone all dressed up!
      For dinner we had Caesar's salad, bowtie pasta in a creamy tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, and chicken in a creamy herb sauce (it was so good!) and for dessert we had cake pops! I had a red velvet cake pop, and it was delicious. After we finished eating, my friends and I went to the photobooth to take pictures, then the band started playing! They're four senior guys and the name of their band is Three Minutes Since. They were surprisingly really good! After they finished, the DJ played some pretty crappy music, but that's okay because it was still super fun! I'm so glad I went even though I didn't have a date.
       Now, onto the main topic of this post: school. I hate school. There is no end to my hatred for school. I go to a private school, so I get way too much homework. It's absolutely ridiculous. From the moment I wake up at 6 a.m. to when I go to sleep at 11 or later, I feel like I'm constantly working and I never get a break. Of course that's not true because I have lunch and I eat and shower when I get home, but what I mean is that I have very little time to just do what I want to do, which usually means scrolling on Tumblr or watching Friends. I might not even mind school so much if I didn't have homework. In fact, I think that if I didn't have homework, I could even enjoy school. I like spending time with my friends and I usually like learning, I just hate homework because it is a complete waste of my time and it takes forever. It has absolutely no value because it's mostly busy work, which is so annoying!
      However, I've decided that for the rest of the school year (which is just a little over a month) I really need to buckle down and finish the year strong. I hope I can do this and also raise my ACT score! This is how I plan on doing it:

1. When I come home from school, I can watch one 30-minute TV show, then I have to finish all of my other homework before I can get on the internet or watch more TV.

2. I have to get as much done at school as possible, meaning I have to find a quiet place during my free periods. This will leave more time to study for APs and the ACT.

3. Study at least 10 APUSH flashcards every night.

4. Do at least one ACT prep test every night.

5. For every A I get on a test/quiz/project, I get to do something fun! (As in, watch TV, read a chapter of a book, or eat some ice cream).

Wish me luck!

Carpe Diem,

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What is Beauty?

      Happy Saturday! So tonight is my school's prom, and I'm super excited! Even though I don't have a date, I think I'm going to have a ton of fun with my friends. So whenever I was little and I thought of prom, I thought of girls with the most beautiful dresses and make-up and hair and I just couldn't wait until I looked like them. Well, the time has come and I definitely still don't look like the girls I imagined, nor do I look like most of the girls who go to prom today. Most teenage girls (so it seems) have these perfect bodies that aren't supposed to exist in real life. They actually look like models, and I have more than just a few flaws.
       It got me thinking about what beauty is. Like actually, how do you know if you are considered beautiful? Of course, most girls are told by their parents that they're beautiful, but what truly defines someone as beautiful? Is it how big your boobs are? Is it how flat or stomach is, or how shiny and perfectly straight your hair is? What about how long your legs are, or how white your teeth are? Women alter their bodies so much every day; whether it's just putting on make-up or wearing high heels, or if it's getting a boob job or a nose job, women do their best to conform to what society tells them is beautiful. I'm not saying I'm going to stop shaving my legs, but honestly even shaving is conforming to what society wants, because having leg hair is natural. Otherwise, we wouldn't have it in the first place.
       Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it in order to impress men? Is it for ourselves? I feel like that's what should be the right answer: for ourselves. But lately I've been thinking that if I had it my way, I would just wear sweatpants and comb my hair. So why do women do so much to make sure they look pretty enough, when most guys wear the same shirt for a week and don't even touch their hair? It's simply not fair! If you're reading this: please know that you are beautiful, exactly as you are. People envy so many things about you. You possess talents that other people recognize, but you might not. It's so hard sometimes to tell yourself that you're beautiful, when society is constantly telling you otherwise, but you must believe it. Loving yourself is the first step to happiness.

Carpe Diem,

Friday, April 12, 2013

My Perfect Future

      Happy Friday! Finally! This week feels like it's lasted forever. It's felt so long mostly because everyone seems to be focused on the ACT, SAT, AP tests, and their OHP (oral history project). There's so much pressure to do well on all of these tests because it seemingly "defines my future." I guarantee you that everything I'm "learning" in school is a waste of my time, if you can even call it learning. I basically just memorize things until the test, and then I forget all of the information! Doesn't seem like a very good system, huh? I wish I could just fast forward to college...I wish I knew everything in my future.
       I've definitely planned out my "perfect" future, even though it changes pretty frequently. For starters, I will hopefully attend either Washburn University or the University of Kansas (I haven't visited KU yet, but I hope I love it!). I will get a Bachelor's degree in elementary education, then a Master's degree in special education, and maybe even a PhD in special education. I will either stay in the KC area or go far away (hopefully the South, I'm still obsessed with it!) to work in a school as a special ed. teacher. I seriously can't wait until I get to have my own classroom and students that I can help adjust and even function in the real world.
     Next, you're probably thinking that I want to get married and have a few kids. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm pretty sure that marriage and kids just aren't for me. The idea of being with one person for the rest of my life seems really hard, and divorce wouldn't be an option for me. I also know from personal experience that marriage can make people very unhappy. I just don't see myself twenty years from now cooking dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry, or driving a kid to soccer practice. Maybe it's because I'm selfish, but I want to live my own life and just think about what I want to do. Believe it or not, I prefer doing things by myself because people tend to complicate things. When I'm alone, I get to do things my way. I want to go on adventures. I want to travel the world. I want to meet interesting people. I want to experience things that most people only dream of. And that stuff is hard to do with a husband and children.
      So I'll either work as a special ed. teacher for the rest of my life or move up to an administrator position. I want to live in a big white house with navy shutters and a red door and a deck that wraps around the whole house (yes, this sounds exactly like the Notebook, but it truly is what I've always wanted). I want to live in the South so it can be hot most of the year, and I can sip iced tea, read a book, and watch the sunset. Hopefully I'll get to have this perfect future of mine!

Carpe Diem,

Thursday, April 11, 2013


      Happy Thursday! I am so ready for this week to be over, not just because Prom is on Saturday and my birthday is on Tuesday, but also because this week has just really sucked. I've had a lot of homework, I have a history test tomorrow, and also because, last night, I found out some really bad news related to my dad's health. Like, really bad. I spent all of last night crying and crying and crying some more, and I don't usually cry. I don't know what to do. I've had two best friends lose their dads, and it wasn't pretty watching from the sidelines, so I can't imagine what it would be like if it actually happened to me. I'm not saying that my dad is in any immediate danger of dying, but it's pretty clear that this is what he'll die from. I can't live without him, he's the best dad in the world and I wouldn't survive losing him. Just thinking about losing him brings tears to my eyes.
      I'd like to share this song with you because it's what I've been listening to on repeat for the past 24 hours.
"I'm the hero of this story, don't need to be saved."

Or do I?

Carpe Diem,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Eternally Mediocre

      Happy Wednesday! This post is my third and final one for today. Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like you honestly, truly, deserve something, and you expect to receive it, and then you don't? Even worse, have you really wanted something and then someone else, whom you feel is less qualified than you are, receives it? That situation is the story of my life.
      Whether it's been a spot on the A-Team for 8th grade basketball, a part in the play or musical, a date for prom, or today, being on Varsity for cheer, I've always, every single time, expected to get those things, because I honestly thought I deserved it. And it always seems that the person I want to get it the least gets it. Maybe it's karma. I don't know. All I know is that I've never been the best at anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm not terrible at everything (hopefully), I'm just mediocre. And somehow that seems worse than being terrible. Because I'm good enough where I can hope for something, and even expect it, but bad enough so that I...don't. I'm okay at sports. I'm average in beauty. I'm passable in school. I'm decent in plays and musicals. See a trend? I'm terrible at plenty of things, but I'm merely "acceptable" in most other areas in my life.
      Almost all of my other friends have at least one thing that they're just really talented at, and they're the best at it (at least in my grade). Whether it's ice skating, horseback riding, writing, math, public speaking, school in general, playing an instrument, or they're just really nice, everyone has at least one thing (don't even get me started on my friends who seem to be the best at everything). And then there's me. I swear I'm not being modest. I'm completely truthful. As an almost-senior, I did expect to make varsity for cheer, but instead I'm on the "Varsity Alternate," where I have to do the cheers before each game perfectly in front of the whole team, and if I do them well enough, I get to cheer with varsity. Lucky me. And the worst part? There are at least three people to my knowledge on varsity where I know I deserved to be on varsity more than they did. I'm honestly not trying to be entitled or anything like that, but I know that I care about cheer more than they do and I work harder than they do.
      But this post is about so much more than not getting on varsity cheer; it's about the fact that I never seem to be good enough for anything. And all I want to know is why. Why do I not have a special talent like everyone else does? When am I going to be the best at something? Why can't someone else be jealous of something that I can do that other people can't, just once? I hope the time comes soon, because I'm starting to get really tired of always being on the B-Team, or Varsity Alternate, or in the choir, or getting mostly B's in school.

Carpe Diem,

To Ink or Not to Ink?

     Happy Wednesday! This is my second out of three posts for today as an apology for not posting in the past few days. So my birthday is in only six days (it scares me so much that I'm going to be a legal adult when I get scared of talking to people on the phone) and I thought for a while that I wanted to get a tattoo as a present for myself and I even asked my friend (remember the rather wild one?) to come with me and she said she would make an appointment. I was so excited at first! I wanted to get "alis volat propriis," which is Latin for "she flies with her own wings" on my right hip bone. I love the quote so much because it encompasses Latin, flying, and independence, which are all things that I love.
     I seriously thought I was going to go through with this. I had it all planned out, my parents (who would kill me if I got a tattoo) would never find out, and it would make me instantly "cooler." I mean, how badass would it be to brag to all of my friends (who are younger than me; I'm the oldest in my grade) about how much more mature I am (ha) because I got inked? But then I started thinking about it a bit more: this thing would probably hurt really bad to get, it could be super expensive, what if I got AIDS from a dirty needle, what if my parents found out, not to mention that it's permanent. What if I decide that I don't like it anymore? So many "what ifs."
      If I'm questioning getting the tattoo this much, is it really the right decision? I basically just want to rebel but I'm scared of getting in trouble! It's ridiculous. There's a part of me that's actually really mad at myself for deciding that I don't want the tattoo right now, because I'm literally so lame and this was the one thing I was actually considering seriously. I'm such a pathetic coward that I can't even get a meaningful tattoo in a safe environment. But the other part of me is saying that it's smart to wait until college when my parents aren't completely involved in my life and I'm 100% positive that I want this tattoo.
      Please give me some advice! I seriously need some kind of direction right now!

Carpe Diem,

My Favorite Brands

     Happy Wednesday! So I just want to apologize for not posting in the past few days, I've been so busy! In order to make it up to you, I'm going to make three posts in one day, deal? So the weather has kind of started to warm up a little bit (despite the fact that the high was 47 degrees today) and it's making me so excited to start wearing spring clothes! I love spring clothes because you can have so much variety and so much color! While I don't love shopping in stores (I hate trying on clothes), I do love online window shopping, and even though I can't afford much of the things from my favorite brands, looking at them makes me so happy. Here are my all-time favorite brands/designers:

1. Old Navy (the only store from this list that is reasonably priced!)

2. J. Crew

3. Kate Spade

4. Vineyard Vines

5. Lilly Pulitzer (my favorite!)

Do you enjoy these brands as much as I do? Let me know!

Carpe Diem,

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Most Pathetic Saturday in History

      Happy Saturday! So today I was supposed to go to my school's cheer team's clinic to learn the cheers that we have to perform at our try-outs on Tuesday, and then babysit, except that I felt so sick this morning, having lost the ability to breathe through my nose. My sinuses were so congested, and there was so much pressure that I got a headache. Definitely not fun. I asked my friend to babysit, even though I probably could have gone because I started to feel better in the afternoon. Oh, well! I had so much fun doing absolutely nothing except watch The Bachelor.
      I finally finished the season today (17 episodes in less than three days? Not too shabby.) and it was so good. I already knew who Sean chose, so it was so fun to watch his relationship blossom with his future wife! I won't say who it is in case there are people who want to watch the show without the spoilers (which everyone should!). I thought I was having this awesome Saturday chilling out and not doing any homework, but then at around 2 p.m. I realized that I was lying on the couch in my pajamas eating Cap'n Crunch for lunch, dabbing at my eyes with a tissue because The Bachelor is just so emotional, and talking to my dog about why Sean was being so stupid. Like, that's pretty much as pathetic as it gets.
     I would say that my social life is at rock bottom. I mean, I still see my friends a little bit after school, like we'll go to yogurtini or something, but I really don't talk to my friends very often outside of school. Also, I have practically no guy friends. Again, I talk to them in class, but it's not like I go to parties or anything so I don't see them any other time. I always complain about how I have never had any experience with guys, but I realize now that guys aren't just going to approach me (darn it) and that I have to meet them halfway if I can even hope for a relationship. Which is so hard because I'm so afraid to put myself out there, because every other time that I have gone for a guy, it's never ended well for me. Ugh, The Bachelor makes me so emotional it's not healthy. Do you have any advice at all regarding talking to guys, both in school and out? And if out, where exactly do I go? Haha I told you I'm pathetic!

Carpe Diem,

Friday, April 5, 2013

New Obsession: The Bachelor

      Happy Friday! Today was definitely a good day because it's FINALLY starting to feel like spring! The weather was beautiful and my friends and I got our tickets and table for prom (all girls group!). Even though I'm super excited to go to prom with my friends, I would definitely be lying if I said I didn't wish I had been asked. Thankfully, it seems that most of the girls didn't get asked, which is kind of annoying because most of the guys didn't ask anyone. I totally understand why most guys don't want to go because each ticket costs $75, plus they may have to buy/rent a tux, and the corsage for their date. I just wish they knew that most girls (including me) are willing to buy their own ticket! Ugh. Oh well, I'm sure I'll have fun with my friends!
      I'm not usually the kind of girl who gets into reality TV shows (or anything too romantically sappy) but I've officially become addicted to The Bachelor! If you haven't heard of it, it's a show on abc where a bachelor gets to know 25 women and eventually selects one to be his wife! I know, I know, it sounds pathetic and superficial but if you watch it, you fall in love with the bachelor and wish you were the bachelorettes! The hot guy is nice, but I'm mostly jealous of all the cool stuff they get to do on the dates! The go flying in helicopters, have photo shoots, and so many other romantic things. I can't stop watching it! It's definitely become my new escape. Okay now I have to go watch the next episode!

Carpe Diem,

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bad Choices vs. Good Choices

     Happy Thursday! Sorry I didn't write a post yesterday, as soon as I finished my homework we rented Zero Dark Thirty, which took up the rest of the night. It was so good, and I encourage everyone to watch it! I've always been very interested in 9/11 and what happened because of it. I was six when it happened, I was in kindergarten, and almost everyone in my grade remembers something from that day, but I just can't honestly say that I remember anything from that tragic day, which kind of sucks because that was the first major world event that happened in my life time. Dang it.
    So I'm not sure if you remember a certain friend of mine who took me to see Rocky Horror Picture Show, but she's kind of the rebellious one who does her own thing. She dropped out of high school, works at a pizza joint, and just moved into a house with two housemates, who are both thirty-year-old men. Maybe I'm just super sheltered (ha, "maybe") but I feel like most teenage girls don't do that. Especially when they're super smart (like she's actually a genius) and have so much potential and talent. I mean, I feel like this girl has just picked up her whole life and just flushed it down the toilet.   Doesn't she realize that she probably won't be accepted into college with a GED, which means she may be a waitress for the rest of her life? Doesn't she think about these things?
     Remember on Monday when I told you it was the third anniversary of my best friend's dad's death? Yep. She's that best friend. If you had known her before her dad died, and then talked to her now, you would think she was two completely different people. She used to be very girly, with most girls' insecurities and wishes and thoughts. Now, she's still very bubbly and friendly, but there's a darkness to it. She has decidedly chosen to isolate herself from society. She moved out of her mom's house, lived with her grandparents for a while, and today I helped her move into her new house. I mean, could you imagine doing that at 17 years old?!
     Then I think, Wait. I'm actually jealous of her. Don't get me wrong, of course I'm not jealous of the fact that her father is dead and has virtually no interaction with her mom, but she's free. She has achieved what most of us want but don't have the guts to acquire: freedom. She is free to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She is living in the present, whereas most of us are living in the future (always worrying and planning). She told me that she realizes that a lot of people don't agree with how she's living her life, but that's just it: it's her life. She is living it how she wants to, which is something I've never been able to say. She also said that she knows that her life is going to get much harder when she gets older, but she wants to (and she'll be able to) say that when she was young, she was free. I don't think I'd want to be in her situation, but I definitely admire her courage to just say no to what everyone else wants her to do, and just do what she wants to do. Because that's what matters.

Carpe Diem,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Favorite Bands

     Happy Tuesday! Today was pretty boring, except that I FINALLY got to drive my new car to school today! I wrecked my car in early February, bought the car less than a week later, and due to issues involving the title, just now got to drive it. It's been quite the thorn in my side. I'm pretty sure it's cursed; we've had way too many problems with that car. But I do love it! I love driving (for the most part) because it's like when the rest of your life is paused and you're allowed to think about anything and do whatever you want. I love rolling down the windows and just blasting the music (don't worry, it's not too loud!). I recognize when I'm bad at things, which tends to be most things, and I'm usually pretty modest when it comes to the few things I am good at, but I am absolutely not modest when it comes to my music taste. Like pretty much everyone else, I am convinced that my music taste is unsurpassed. It's perfect, sorry not sorry. Here are my favorite bands (so hard to narrow it down!).

1. Bon Iver

2. Nirvana

3. Mumford & Sons

4. Coldplay

5. Fleet Foxes

6. Muse

7. Death Cab for Cutie

8. U2

9. Queen

10. MGMT

11. High Highs

12. The Smiths

13. The Beatles (my all-time favorite band EVER)

Feel free to leave a comment about your favorite bands!

Carpe Diem,

Bittersweet Day

(Sorry, I wrote this post yesterday and forgot to publish it!)

     Happy Monday! Today was definitely bittersweet, the sweet part being that my brother turned 16 today, and the bitter part being that today is the anniversary of my best friend's father's death.

     I'll start off with the sweet bit. My mom decided to go with "April Fool's pranks" as the theme for Thad's birthday. He woke up to a very loud alarm and had crepe paper all across his doorway. He went to the bathroom, where the floor was covered in balloons which contained money in them, and when he lifted the toilet lid, a screamer went off (it made the scariest noise and almost put me under cardiac arrest), and she filled his locker with candy. Also, when he tried to blow out the candles on his birthday cupcakes, he found that the candles refused to blow out! It was so funny! We went to Oklahoma Joe's (famous KC barbeque) and then had the most delicious cupcakes ever.

     Next, the bitter part was a bit worse than I thought it would be. The day started off fine, but I found that once I was actually in class, my thoughts were very much distracted by the memories of this day three years ago. I won't go into details, but I saw horrible things that day, which I've never been able to get out of my head and I still think about it quite a lot. It put me in a rather bad mood, but when I got home I felt much better. I still miss you, Reed.

Carpe Diem,