Monday, March 18, 2013

My Not-Exactly-Ideal Spring Break

     Happy Monday! So today was my first official day of spring break, and while most of my friends are posting pictures of beautiful, tropical beaches on Instagram, I spent the whole day trying to figure out the title for my car!
     My mom woke me up at 9 am, and we went to the Highway Inspection Patrol or whatever it's called, and they inspected the car (my car has had many issues with the title, and the DMV had to correct it), but they passed the car, and so then we went to the DMV to get a license plate, but the Highway Inspection Patrol messed up on the title, so we had to go all the way back there to fix it, then all the way back to the DMV, and after a total of five hours I finally had my license plate! Except now the car shakes whenever you drive it, so we have to fix that. There's always something wrong with that car.
     Anyway, after we finished at the DMV, my mom and I went to the dentist, and they had to numb my mouth the fill two small cavities, and I still can't feel anything in my mouth, which sucks. I certainly wish I could have a better spring break, but I'm afraid that for the rest of these two weeks, today will have been the most exciting. I certainly hope not!

Carpe Diem,

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